Monthly Archive: August, 2012

Book review: “Shadowing the Ghost of the Estuary: My quest to catch mulloway on lures and how they have messed with my head”

As I was walking through the bookstore looking for a present for a friend, it was the photograph of the glistening scales and big dark eye of a predator that caught by attention.… Continue reading

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Spare a thought for the gannets- they often die of collision injuries and other links

Well, I have a few posts in the pipeline, but before they can be completed I need to get out fishing a little more to take some more photos etc which just hasn’t… Continue reading

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Think like a fish – techniques for finding flathead

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted commotion on the surface. As I turned my attention to it, a small mullet leapt clear of the water. As it was returning to… Continue reading

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Royalty of the Reefs – How to Target Monster Kingfish

In this blog Dan recounts one of his more memorable captures, a monster Kingfish, and gives you the low down on how to apply the same technique and join in on the action.… Continue reading

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