Monthly Archive: October, 2012

First flathead on fly

Well, been down in Eden for the weekend visiting the folks… I didn’t do a whole bunch of fishing, Saturday was pretty much a wipe out with 30knot winds all day. As a… Continue reading

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Spring into native fishing

Spring has sprung and both Aussie anglers and Aussie fish have awoken from their winter hibernation. At this time of year it’s easy to pick up the newspaper and get excited after reading… Continue reading

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Trying to re-find my fishing mojo- a tale of woe and misery

Its official. I’ve lost my fishing mojo. Its gone and I need to get it back… Fishing, is ultimately a game of confidence. When things click, your calm confident and  can seem to… Continue reading

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Iki jime aka spiking a good online guide… Humanely killing your catch

Good video and explanation of iki jime or spiking fish… As covered in how to kill and care for your catch post, the most humane method to dispatch fish… Great thing about the… Continue reading

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The blog in “The Land” magazine

From Josh & Jamie’s fishing column a few weeks ago…

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Fly fishing for carp

Living in Canberra, I’ve always been happy with the sport-fishing options close at hand. I can drive for 10 minutes down to Lake Burley Griffin and target yellowbelly, cod and redfin, 25 minutes… Continue reading

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