Monthly Archive: February, 2011

Surface gar and mullet…

I’ve been thinking  about how to catch those annoying garfish and mullet that so often follow poppers but rarely have a go. Next time I’m out on the flats, I’m going to try… Continue reading

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Overfishing links…

As recreational fishermen, overfishing, dwindling fish stocks and the state of marine environments are obviously a concern to all of us. I’ve started reading through the literature and the differing viewpoints and well,… Continue reading

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Trout at the Cascades

After beating my way through yet another tea tree, sinking my foot into yet another pool of mud and grass and swatting yet another mozzie away from my face, I finally came to… Continue reading

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Links, fish as smart as college students, urchins etc

Firstly, these little fish can count! Sea urchins in Tasmania, new export market… There are loads around Eden, i will definitely be tucking into a few next trip, just to see what all… Continue reading

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Links, close encounter with a Mako, catch and release shark fishing and more….

Al McGlashan’s amazing photos of a Mako attacking a marlin set to be released Catch and release shark fishing a conservationist perspective, I’ll probably post something about Mako biology in the near future… Continue reading

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Tenkara- the experiments begin

So, my Tenkara rod has finally arrived from the states… Tenkara is a style traditional japanese fly fishing… It involves using a long flexible rod 11-14ft. Traditionally these were bamboo, nowadays long graphite… Continue reading

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Wallaga weekend

It was a weekend of contrasts, in terms of the fishing, but I guess that’s often the case. It’s an important lesson too: out of every five sessions, you might have one good one.… Continue reading

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Live blogging Eden… March 4-6th

Well our next serious trip is planned for early March… The plan will be to chase Kingfish off Mowarry and Greencape, as well as hitting up the local estuaries… My goals for the… Continue reading

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Kingfish basics

Kingfish basics It all started one day when keen fisho Hamish Webb and I decided to make the bumpy ride out to the spectacular North Head, at the northern end of Twofold Bay,… Continue reading

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Think like a fish

It had been a long morning. Only a few small touches in two hours’ fishing. I was feeling beaten and attributed the tentative taps to pickers: probably leatherjackets and toadies. Hoping they might… Continue reading

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